Friday 15 June 2012

A new start

I am now two weeks into my new job and already loving it and feeling like I'm part of the team. This week has completely flown by and I've come to the realisation that it's because I am no longer watching the clock all day waiting for 4.30pm to hit so I can leave. Now, if I have to stay to finish something, I really don't mind, my days are flowing with writing and fun in a positive environment and that's really important to me. Granted I would rather be writing articles than media releases which the newspapers pick up, churn out and don't give me credit for, but for now, it's ok.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not someone who will let my work life consume my life, but at least the eight hours I need to spend here are much more enjoyable than my previous job - who'd have though I would find that in a government position. It's surprising how having a clued on boss and great co-workers can mean. I'm not as stressed even though with my new job lies new responsibilities and feeling very positive to the outcomes I am striving for. I'm determined to get my website up and running and that become a huge focus, I feel much more relaxed. I feel like people let their jobs control their life, I now have one that doesn't and that I can sort of fit to suit me in some ways.

I think all in all, I'm happier, much happier. Time to improve on some other aspects next.

Over and out.


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