Thursday 30 May 2013

The Four Agreements

In this day in age, living via these four simple things are near impossible for some. That's sad, but alas the truth of humans today. Perhaps if we start living by these things, we can all live in harmony, no religion required.

Five Lessons in Life from Dr. Seuss

Monday 20 May 2013


Sometimes all you need is a few things to burst you back into inspiration zone. Whether that's something creative you're working on or just to become a better person or get more out of life we all need that little kick. These have been doing it for me lately.

Friday 10 May 2013

Ramblings of a 20 something

Your twenties are a time to find yourself, to do wrong, to do right, to experience. It's a time to fall in love, fall out of love and fall back in love with someone new. It's a time to work hard at your career and then ignore those years of university, apprenticeships and work experience and give it all up to travel the world. It's a time where you figure out who your real friends are and who is worth keeping in your life. It's a time to move out of home, move into a fun sharehouse, then hate the house, move to another and so on. It's a time to make your belongings a little bit smaller for the ease of this and more than anything it's a time to learn. It's ok to be sad, it's ok to party and it's ok to stay home because you just can't be bothered. It's a time when you stress about the future because it seems like everything has to be sorted with your life by the time you are 30. It's possible life won't ever feel like it's suppose to, but when you look back it's exactly what you were meant to do at the time. Stress less, smile more and enjoy your twenties. They're the best time, the worst time, and more than anything they're always a time you will remember.

Have a lovely day everyone, I hope you enjoyed my ramblings.
Nicky xx

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Kicking back

Nothing quite like chilling with your best friends on a balcony watching the sunset before a raging night out.