Friday 20 July 2012

Fresh Cooking!

Writing my sunny side up blog has kickstarted my love for all things fresh, healthy and absolutely delicious! I've been a vegetarian going on five years and the possibilities (though others don't realise) is endless! It's also a great way not to be stuck in a rutt with cooking the same meals over again, because it's true, you do need to be creative for it to fill you up and taste great! The amount of vegetarian blogs I have come across recently with incredible recipes is also a massive inspiration to get cooking myself!

Breakfast is obviously an easy task, but when it comes to dinners it gets a bit trickier.

Tuesday night I was rushing about, needed something comforting and filling whilst still being resonably healthy. This is where a veggie burger comes in! I bought some turkish bread rolls (these will absolutely change your life if you are used to hamburger buns), toasted them with a bit of light cheese, spreaded some avocado on the other half, a small squeeze of mayo, some fresh rocket and cucumber and added a quorn southern style veggie patty. Combined all together it was simply delicious and just what I needed without being loaded with calories like other burgers :)

Here are some recipes I'm going to make over the next few weeks (along with my staple bean soft tacos, lentil shepard's pie, vegie lasange and a vegan goulash (I am Hungarian afterall!)

Last winter I made a brilliant black bean and corn chilli with homemade cornbread which I shall do next week, just need to grab some polenta and I have the rest of the ingrediants in my pantry :)

Chickpea and Rosemary Soup

My dad made this a few weeks ago, it was unreal and so easy. Literally by adding one can of chickpeas (always rinsed and drained!) to some stock, mash them up, add another can keeping them whole, add some fresh rosemary, season and cook down and voulia! Served with some form of ciabatta bread makes it incredible :)

Stuffed Zuchinni Boats

There's loads of recipes out there for these but I think this dinner will be more of a "use everything up in my fridge and make something out of it" kind of deal. Once you scoop out the zuchinni from the inside, that's already the basis for the delicious filling! I think served with some delicious flavoured rice would be nice.


I haven't made polenta in agessss so I'm determined to make some (especially because it's so quick and easy) then grill it and serve with some vegetables of the mediterranean variety.

Homemade Beans

I've never made my own homemade baked beans before. I make a great bean dish for tacos but I think I will use different types other than just kidney beans and tweak the flavours a bit. This would be great served with the polenta too!

Thai Pumpkin Soup

I once attempted pumpkin soup, years before I even focused on cooking a decent meal and it basically turned out as pumpkin mashed potato. If it wasn't for my dad, this would have been an epic disaster, but he saved the day! As it's winter, I'm going to definitely attempt this, but with a twist. I love the idea of a thai pumpkin soup, adding in coconut cream instead of milk - and keeping it vegan too!

Chickpea Cutlets

For years I have seen this recipe floating around on the internet, blog posts about how great they are and people's different versions of them. Coming from the famous Veganomicon cookbook, you know it's going to be good, but just very time consuming as it contains wheat gluten, which I have never used before. BUT, I've always wanted to try them, so I'm going to dedicated a full day to cooking these! One day... soon... I'm sure of it...

Cauliflower Mash

Maybe to go with the cutlets? I've heard amazing things about cauliflower mash, how you simply can hardly tell the different between using cauliflower to potatoes but it's so much better for you. Worth a shot I think!

So here's a long post about all the food inspiration I have, well it's really just a few thoughts!

Thursday 19 July 2012

My parents - living it up!

My parents are currently living life in Europe and I am so insanely jealous of them! Whilst I'm slaving away at work they are on a cruise through the mediterranean or trekking through Italy or visiting family in Hungary. I'm absolutely itching to get away again and explore more of the world!!!! They just uploaded some pictures and they are so fantastic that I'm going to post them. Beware, sometimes my parents think they're funny when they're not! Hope you're having a blast guys! xxxxxxx

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Step out of your comfort zone

This, I firmly believe. It's so easy to get caught up with the normal things we do daily, sticking to what we know, what's easy and what won't be scary for us. I don't think this is how anyone should live. Where is the fun in comfort? What about pushing yourself and finding something more exciting, enthralling and over all something you didn't think you would ever see or achieve. Be brave, step out of that comfort zone, you'll be amazed at what you can discover.